Hammerfight Gameplay

Hammerfight Gameplay Rating: 4,1/5 8954 votes

Ok, I love Hammerfight, you twirl huge blades, maces, rocks, saws, etc. Around and smash them at people, howeverrrrr. Why do explosives make such an stupid ammount of damage even when I'm far far away from them? Why do explosive carrying enemies explode violently (taking me out with them) when I kill them? Shouldn't we be able to replay previous levels in case we miss some special weapon, or, just want to mess around in earlier levels with late-game weapons? Why do I have to turn down the visual effects so I can see my ship amidst all the chaos, smoke and fire in the battles?

Hammerfight General Discussions Topic Details. Aug 17, 2014 @ 6:51pm Mods? Are there any mods to this game? I have been looking everywhere and I can't find any. The normal game is good but I was wondering if there was anything extra like more story, weapons, enemies etc. League of Angels III. Cuisine Royale. Crusaders of Light.

I'm sorry if all of this sounds like whinning, but, Hammerfall is really fun! If the game was more dynamic (and had less absurd explosives) it would be way way better. Anyone else feels this way? The biggest problems with Hammerfight for me have to do with the waaayyyyy overdone visual effects (smoke, explosions, sparks, debris, vibration and blur effects, etc.) and the horribly obtrusive HUD (Who the hell thought it was a good idea to put a gigantic talisman in the top-middle of the screen that gives you no pertinent information? I lost count of how many times I'd gotten screwed because I couldn't see some enemy or projectile that was safely obscured underneath the talking-head pendulum.) that collectively seem like they were deliberately designed to keep your visibility and awareness at a minimum.

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Add in some not-so-well-thought-out, cramped arenas and tons of scenarios where you're outnumbered against heavily armored opponents with all manner of bombs and guns and throwing weapons, and it just feels like you're being pinned down by bad design all over the place against obstacles that call for complete, seamless control and awareness. It's a real bummer for me, because when Hammerfight does things right, it's hugely satisfying. But more often than not, its satisfying combat and mechanics are held down by so much shit that the game is kind of ruined for me. And yeah, it could definitely use some more freeform design in terms of unlocking weapons and items and being able to mess around with them in any scenario you've already played. If the HUD were made more minimal, the effects were made with gameplay in mind instead of just art, the arenas more consistently gave you more space to move around in, some of the more ridiculous weapons were removed (take out all the bombs and guns, I say, and make the game all melee and throwing weapons, where it's the most fun), and the game were made more freeform and dicking-around-friendly, Hammerfight would easily be one of my favorite games.

But it's not, and it makes me sad.

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