Dungeon Quest Spells
Mage Dungeon Run Class Guide. Last updated on Jan 04, 2018 at 14:09 by Kat 8 comments. Giant Army, and Big Spells. Bag of Coins: Good. Chaos contains all of the cards that generates random Mage spells in addition to the Open the Waygate Quest. It is not recommended to pick up the Quest unless you plan on fully committing to Chaos. Two spells can be equipped at the same time, either two of the same spell or two different spells. Some spells cannot be equipped if your level is below a certain requirement (varies for each spell). There are 4 kinds of spells in Dungeon Quest: Melee, Mage, Healer, and Tank.
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TreasuresAfter defeating the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th boss of the dungeon run, you willeither get to choose 1 of 3 random powerful Treasure cards that you can addto your deck, or 1 of 3 powerful passive effects that will benefit you forthe duration of the Dungeon Run.The tables below contain a list of all the possible Treasures and Passiveeffects available and give them ageneral rating as to how good they are for the Mage class. Thecomments give further details as to how and why the Treasures are good inaddition to some of the Card Buckets that they have good synergies with. Treasure Cards TreasureRatingCommentsExcellentHaving a full hand of cards provides you with a lot more options andhelps you draw into other powerful Treasures. It is good in decks with a lowMana curve and works well alongside and.ExcellentBoots of Haste is excellent for any deck and allows you to flood theboard for quick wins.
It is even more powerful in slower and is excellent incombination with minions from the Giant Army and Legendary buckets.ExcellentAccessing a Legendary weapon for just 1 Mana is incredibly powerful andhave options to suit all decks. The card draw of is greatfor aggressive decks, is great for slower decks withLegendary or Giant Army of buckets, and is a greatbackup option for any Mage deck.ExcellentWondrous Wand is an excellent Tempo tool that gains the most with cardBuckets containing expensive cards such as Legendary, Giant Army, and BigSpells.GoodBag of Coins is a good tempo tool to rush out big minions from theLegendary bucket or for providing excellent synergy for minions from theMagical Friends bucket such as and.GoodHorn of Cenarius provides a huge burst of tempo in any deck.
Passive Treasures TreasureRatingCommentsExcellentCloak of Invisibility removes the ability for bosses to remove yourminions outside of AoE effects, this is especially powerful alongside MagicalFriends which contains many minions with powerful effects if they are able tosurvive.GoodCaptured Flag provides a good boost in tempo, but the high number ofspells in Mage deck reduces the overall value. It it works best with theElementals bucket due to the high number of minions it containsGoodCrystal Gem provides a strong boost in early-game tempo, allowing you toexplode onto the board faster, which is great for any deck.GoodKhadgar's Scrying Orb is good due to the high number of spells Mages use.It works best with buckets that use cheap spells such as Arcane, Chaos, andFrost.GoodRobe of the Magi is especially powerful for Mages due to the high numberof spells.
It works best alonside Arcane buckets, turningand into huge sources ofdamage.AverageMage does not gain a huge boost to Battlecry effects due to using a largenumber of spells. Card BucketsAfter you defeat each boss, you will be offered a choice of 3 different cardbuckets that you can add to your deck. Each bucket contains 3 cards that fit acertain theme and will help shape your deck in different ways.The table below contains a list of all the possible Mage card bucketsand gives a general rating as to how good each card bucket is on average.The comments section contains further details of each bucket and when to choosethem. BucketRatingCommentsFireExcellentFire is an excellent bucket for any deck and contains the most powerfulremoval spells like, and.Magical FriendsExcellentMagical Friends contains most Mage minions, and has excellent minionslike,. It is even more powerful if you have theTreasure to protect your minions.ArcaneAverageArcane contains most of the Mage utility spells, in particularly youshould look out for, and.Big SpellsAverageBig Spells contains all Mage spells that cost 5 or More Mana in addition to, and.As it can be hard to get enough big spells to synergise with the minions, thisbucket should only be picked for its high-value spells likeand Meteor.ChaosAverageChaos contains all of the cards that generates random Mage spells inaddition to the Quest. It is not recommended to pickup the Quest unless you plan on fully committing to Chaos. Most of the cardchoices are reasonable with andbeing exceptionally powerful.DefenseAverageDefense contains all Mages defensive tools such as, and in addition toand.
This bucket is good if youwish to play a Control Mage and is excellent in combination with Giant Armybuckets.ElementalsAverageElementals is the only real alternative bucket to Magical Friends forearly-game minions. It contains most Elementals in the game, includingand,. You must be willing to pick many Elementals bucketsthroughout your Dungeon Run to ensure you are able to consistently get Elementalsynergy.FrostAverageFrost contains all Mage Freeze effects and is rather underwhelming due tohow weak Freezing effects are. However it has the potential to offerand which are both excellentchoices.Giant ArmyAverageGiant Army can be a potentially strong bucket, especially if you pick upthe Treasure. Giant Army requires full commitmentto a control strategy and works well in combination with Defensebuckets.Heroic PowerAverageHeroic Power offers a range of ways to empower the Mage Hero Power inaddition to multiple Inspire minions, which work well with theTreasure.
Andare also good choices from the bucket that can be usedin any deck.LegendaryAverageThe Legendary bucket can potentially offer any Legendary minions and hasvery high variance as a result. As most Legendary minions have a high ManaCost, it can be an excellent choice if you have picked up theTreasure.Lost SecretsBadLost Secrets contains all Mage Secrets in addition to minions like, and.The bucket is only worth considering if Mad Scientist is offered alongside areasonable Secret like or.UniqueBadThe Unique bucket will offer you,and in addition to random cards you do not already have inyour deck. This bucket is generally not worth it as effects of the uniqueminions generally do not outweigh the potential value you can get from havingmany copies of other powerful minions you can pick up in your DungeonRun.
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