Medal Of Honor Heroes 2 Cheats

Medal Of Honor Heroes 2 Cheats Rating: 4,2/5 7204 votes

There are only a couple of cheats or glitches that can be accessed on City. The rubble in the main area Near the main centre of the level turn w., Medal of Honor Heroes 2 Wii.

Base Demolition: The time has come to put a permanent end to the Fuhrer’s petproject. You’re our only hope.Beach Attack: Land on the beach with the 5th Rangers, and push through theGerman defenses.Destroy the Guns: To protect the Allied bombers, five Anti-Air gun batteriesneed to be knocked out.Destroy Train: Fight your way through the fields to the Train Station.Whatever is on that train is too important to let go.Downed Agent: Navigate through the minefield and retrieve the informationfrom the downed agent.Monastery Assault: A key figure has set up a base of operations in a remotemonastery. Crack the defenses and get whatever information you can.Sink U-boats: Take out the three U-boats in the port area.Through the Sewers: The Germans have holed up underground.


Ys seven psp. Go take them outwhile staying safe from our bombardment.

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