Knight Online Macro

Knight Online Macro Rating: 5,0/5 5380 votes

May 10, 2012  Knight Online Macros with ACTOOL ACTool for Knight Online – Warrior Class Script is a good scripting environment but it is support forum has one of the motherfucking moderators in the world. They insult everybody and nobody bans them, so I.

Here is a simple list of all my macros that I currently use in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. Generic Macros Clear Action Bar MacroThis macro will remove any Spells and Macros on your action bars, use with caution. /run for i = 1,120 do PickupAction(i) ClearCursor end Focus MacroThis macro will set your current target as your focus without pressing any modifier.

You can mouseover a target and press the alt modifier to set it in focus. Pressing the shift modifier will clear the focus target. /focus nomod/focus mod: alt, @mouseover/clearfocus mod: shiftUpper Trinket MacroThis macro will let you use your upper slot trinket. #showtooltip/use 13Lower Trinket MacroThis macro will let you use your lower slot trinket. #showtooltip/use 14Death Knight Macros Asphyxiate MacroWithout pressing any key modifier, this macro will Asphyxiate your current target.

While pressing the alt modifier it will Asphyxiate your focus target. #showtooltip/cast mod:alt, @focus Asphyxiate; AsphyxiateChains of Ice MacroWithout pressing any key modifier, this macro will Chains of Ice your current target. While pressing the alt modifier it will Chains of Ice your focus target. #showtooltip/cast mod:alt, @focus Chains of Ice; Chains of IceDeath Grip MacroWithout pressing any key modifier, this macro will Death Grip your current target. While pressing the alt modifier it will Death Grip your focus target. #showtooltip/cast mod:alt, @focus Death Grip; Death GripDark TransformationIf your pet is alive this macro will cast Dark Transform.

If your pet is currently not alive it will make sure to cast Raise Dead first. This will also turn on Claw back to auto-cast in case you disabled it previously for pulling energy. #showtooltip/use nopet Raise Dead; Dark Transformation/petautocaston ClawGnaw MacroWithout pressing any key modifier, this macro will Gnaw your current target. While pressing the alt modifier it will Gnaw your focus target. If your pet is currently not alive it will make sure to cast Raise Dead first.

#showtooltip/cast nopet Raise Dead/cast mod:alt, @focus Gnaw; GnawRaise Ally MacroYou can cast Raise Ally on a mouseover target, and you can also use it on a selected target. #showtooltip/cast @mouseover, exists Raise Ally; Raise AllyOutbreak MacroThis will force your pet to attack the target that you use Outbreak on.

#showtooltip Outbreak/cast Outbreak/petattackWraith Walk & Death Pact MacroWill use Wraith Walk or Death Pact depending on which talent you selected. #showtooltip/cast talent:5/2 Wraith Walk; talent:5/3 Death PactDamage Cooldowns MacroNo matter what specialization you’re playing it will use your main damage cooldown. #showtooltip/cast spec:3, talent:7/2 Unholy Frenzy; spec:3, talent:7/3 Summon Gargoyle/cast spec:2 Empower Rune Weapon/cast spec:1 Dancing Rune WeaponRogue Macros Between the Eyes MacroWithout pressing any key modifier, this macro will Between the Eyes your current target. While pressing the alt modifier it will Between the Eyes your focus target. #showtooltip/cast mod:alt, @focus Between the Eyes; Between the EyesKidney Shot MacroWithout pressing any key modifier, this macro will Kidney Shot your current target. While pressing the alt modifier it will Kidney Shot your focus target.

Max Payne 3 Pc Game is a 3 rd-person shooter video game developed by the Rockstar Studios and published by Rockstar Games.It was released in May 15, 2012 for the PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360; a Microsoft Windows port was released in May 29, 2012, followed by an OS X port in June 20, 2013. GTA 5 PC Game Free Download Full Version; GTA 4 PC Game Free Download Full Version; After his retirement he joined a security company in the Brazil and again known as a detective. Max Payne 3 PC Game Free Torrent Download. This game is based on a true story, Max was a excellent officer and much more talented than his colleagues. The main protagonist in Max Payne 3 free download is of course Max Payne seeking to avenge his wife and daughter who were murdered brutally. Max Payne III free download continues after 9 years of Max Payne’s wife and daughter’s murder. Max payne 3 download for pc. Gameplay Of Max Payne 3 Free Download. Gameplay Of Max Payne 3 Free Download It is a 3rd person shooting game in which Player suppose the role of its imaginary character. Furthermore, A new feature enabling you to gain a tactical advantage and helping you in avoiding damage from your enemies. Open “Max Payne 3” folder, double click on “Setup” and install it. After installation complete go to the folder where you install the game. Open folder, double click on “MaxPayne3” icon to play the game.Done! Click on Below Button to Proceed to Download Page.

#showtooltip/cast mod:alt, @focus Kidney Shot; Kidney ShotBlind MacroWithout pressing any key modifier, this macro will Blind your current target. While pressing the alt modifier it will Blind your focus target. #showtooltip/cast mod:alt, @focus Blind; BlindKick MacroWithout pressing any key modifier, this macro will Kick your current target. While pressing the alt modifier it will Kick your focus target. #showtooltip/cast mod:alt, @focus Kick; KickGrappling Hook MacroWill cast Grappling Hook at your cursor location. #showtooltip/cast @cursor Grappling HookSap Player MacroWill constantly clear you current target and try to find a new player to Sap. You want to spam this macro when you need to find a stealthed Rogue or Druid.

#showtooltip/cleartarget/targetenemyplayer/cast SapStealth & Shroud of Concealement MacroWill stealth you when pressed and will cast Shroud of Concealment when using the shift modifier. #showtooltip/cast mod:shift Shroud of Concealment; StealthTricks of the Trade MacroWithout pressing any key modifier, this macro will Tricks of the Trade your current target. While pressing the alt modifier it will Tricks of the Trade your focus target. #showtooltip/cast mod: alt, @focus Tricks of the Trade; Tricks of the TradeToxic Blade & Exsanguinate MacroWill use Toxic Blade or Exsanguinate depending on which talent you selected.

#showtooltip/cast talent:6/2 Toxic Blade; talent:6/3 ExsanguinateFan of Knives & Crimson Tempest MacroWithout pressing any key modifier, this macro will cast Fan of Knives. While pressing the alt modifier it will cast Crimson Tempest. Simply way to save keybinds.

#showtooltip Fan of Knives/cast mod:alt Crimson Tempest; Fan of Knives.

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