Prison Tycoon Roblox

Prison Tycoon Roblox Rating: 3,9/5 3642 votes

Free 2-day shipping. Buy Prison Tycoon 3: Lockdown - Windows PC- XSDP -10932 - Take the reigns of a privately run prison. You are responsible for the care,.

About This GameHard Time is MoneyBuild a profitable privately run prison from the ground up. Every wall, every fence, every decision is yours. Start small and forge your reputation as a first rate warden. Grow your facility to SuperMax capabilities, housing the most dangerous and diabolical criminals on earth - all for the bottom line. If you build it Manage the layout, construction, and equipping of your lockdown. Every choice determines the safety and respectability of your prison. Us vs Them - Staff your prison from guards to rehabilitation experts.

We’ll see if that one wins a spot in our list of the saddest video games. There is a change in pace, but the game is gorgeous, challenging, and fun overall.And the last few scenes will probably have you bawling a bit.Oh, and if you’re looking for more reasons to cry, you’ll be happy to know that will be released next year. Let’s be honest, it’s hard to top-off that prologue. The darkness game pc. I don’t want to say that the entire gameplay was as emotional as the first few minutes. The perfect soundtrack kicks in again and, before you know it, you’re crying.Congratulations, you’ve made it through the prologue.But what about the rest of the game?

Prison Tycoon Roblox

Your decisions and budgets govern your team’s morale and overall performance. Break ‘em Down - Manage the security levels throughout your prison. Too strong a grip can explode in prisoner riots – too weak and the gangs will run your stir. Bad to the Bone!

Lock up the worst of the worst in the NEW Restricted Access Quarters for 23 hours a day with 1 hour for outside exercise. Someone’s Gotta Pay!

Build prisoner factories to bring in some extra income to help keep the prisons finances healthy. Be the Big Boss! Determine your prisoner’s fate - release your prisoner on parole or keep them locked up for the safety of society (and your pocketbook). Control or Be Controlled! Keep the peace among the prison gangs or one may take over certain areas of the prison as their own.

  1. --Script made by Fiterpilot. All rights reserved to Nova Studio
  2. --Variables
  3. local tycoon = script.Parent.Tycoon --Variable for Tycoon object (inside of tycoon)
  4. local ownerName = tycoon.OwnerName --Variable for OwnerName object
  5. local cash = tycoon.Cash --Variable for cash object
  6. local essentials = tycoon.Essentials -- Variable for Essentials object
  7. local purchases = tycoon.Purchases
  8. local claim = tycoon['Become Owner'].Head --Variable for claim part
  9. local collector = essentials.Collector -- Variable for collector part
  10. local giver = essentials.Giver --Varaible for giver part
  11. local display = essentials.Display --Variable for display
  12. local PCash --Variable for player's cash
  13. --Variable for Regen
  14. local Backup = Model:clone()--Clones Model
  15. claim.Touched:connect(function(hit)--Function for claiming
  16. if ownerName.Value 'then--If ownerName.Value is '
  17. player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)--Find the player that touched it
  18. print('player exists')
  19. PCash = player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild('Cash')--Find his cash
  20. print('PCash exists')
  21. local owns = player:FindFirstChild('Owns')--Find his owns
  22. print('Owns exists')
  23. if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid')then--Now, is he a human?
  24. if hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health >0then--Is he alive?!
  25. ownerName.Value = player.Name --Change ownerName to his name
  26. claim.Parent.Name = player.Name.'s kitchen'--Show ownership
  27. claim.CanCollide =false--Make sure we can walk through
  28. player.TeamColor = claim.BrickColor --Set his team to the color of the brick
  29. end
  30. end
  31. end
  32. end
  33. collector.Touched:connect(function(hit)--When the collector is touched
  34. if hit.Name 'Food'then--If it was touched by 'Food'
  35. local val = hit:FindFirstChild('Value')--Find how much it's worth
  36. cash.Value = cash.Value + val.Value --Add the value of the food to cash
  37. end
  38. end)
  39. --Give player money
  40. giver.Touched:connect(function(hit)--When the giver is touched
  41. if cash.Value >0then
  42. if hit.Parent.Name ownerName.Value then--If hit's name is = to ownerName
  43. PCash.Value = PCash.Value + cash.Value --Give the player the money
  44. buySound:Play()--Plays sound
  45. end
  46. end)
  47. --Updating display
  48. cash.Changed:connect(function()--When cash is changed
  49. display.SG.Frame.Money.Text =tostring(cash.Value)--Update display
  50. for i,v inpairs(buttons:GetChildren())do--Look through all the buttons and get their children
  51. if v:FindFirstChild('Head')then--Find the children's heads
  52. local object = purchases:FindFirstChild(v.Object.Value)--Hold the value for objects
  53. objects[object.Name]= object:Clone()--Clone it
  54. else
  55. print('Button: '.v.Name.' is missing its object and has been removed.')
  56. v.Head.Transparency =1
  57. if v:FindFirstChild('Dependency')then--Find the dependency
  58. v.Head.Transparency =1
  59. if purchasedO:WaitForChild(v.Dependency.Value)then--Wait for that object to be purchased
  60. v.Head.Transparency =0
  61. end))
  62. v.Head.Touched:connect(function(hit)--If the head of a button is touched
  63. local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)--Find the player
  64. if v.Head.CanCollide truethen--See if the button can collide
  65. print('Player exists')
  66. if ownerName.Value player.Name then--See if the player owns the tycoon
  67. if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid')then--See if the player has a humanoid
  68. if hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health >0then--See if the humanoid is alive
  69. if PCash ~=nilthen--See if PCash exists
  70. if PCash.Value >= v.Price.Value then--If PCash is greater than price
  71. PCash.Value = PCash.Value - v.Price.Value --Purchase the object
  72. objects[v.Object.Value].Parent = purchasedO --Move it into puchasedobjects
  73. v.Head.Transparency =1
  74. end
  75. end
  76. end
  77. end
  78. end
  79. game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(player)--Function for player removal
  80. if ownerName.Value ~='then--If ownerName isn't equal to nothing then
  81. if ownerName.Value player.Name then--If the leaving player has the same name as ownerName
  82. Model:remove()--Removes Model
  83. Model.Parent = script.Parent --Sets Models Parent To The Tycoon
  84. end
  85. end)
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