Grand Chase Ley

Grand Chase Ley Rating: 3,9/5 4424 votes

Contents Description'The 's representative.' Main Info. Name: Ley von Crimson River. Age: Unknown. Hobbies: Bothering. Likes: Being a spectator at fights, participating in fights, scaring Dio.

I started playing the original grand chase back around 3rd/4th grade when ronan was first released and i was hooked on the game ever since. I played the game until the servers eventually closed and that wasnt the best of times. When i saw that this game was basically a sequel to the original game i thought “doesnt hurt to try it out”.

Dislikes: A world with no fighting, when Dio tries to fight back. Weakness: Having only one hornLey had been born weak with an incurable disease.Her father who was desperate to save her called upon the great wizard,. Through the transplant of some ancient 's core, Ley was miraculously able to survive.When the core was transplanted into Ley, a ritual to summon the soul of the core's owner was performed. Because of this ritual, Ley now has another soul inside her.That soul belongs to 's lover and as Ley grew older she began to resemble Edna too.With the disappearance of the and the influence of the faction becoming more powerful, the chief of the felt that something suspicious was going on. He decides to send his daughter Ley to in search of their ally and the chief of the, Dio.Avatars.

USDDemon World's Great Pirate — Second Story'Disgusting! How am I supposed to eat this?' This is the best we can do with what remains in this ship.' 'Sighs, if was here, he would have cooked up something amazing.' 'T-That's an unfair comparison, isn't it?

I'm not as good as Ronan.' ', you are the head butler of our Crimson River family. You should know how to cook a meal.' 'You are right, cooking a meal is something I can do but you cannot compare me to a chef.

I'm a Helmsman of this ship.' 'I know that.' 'I am also the cook and your servant.'

After hearing Jeeves' remark, Pirate Queen Ley clapped sarcastically.' Yes, of course.

Yes, yes, you are so amazing, Jeeves. The Helmsman and the cook of our ship, but this food tastes horrible.'

'If you want good food, why don't you just hire Ronan as the ship's cook?' More than anything, but a cannot become a Pirate.' 'Oh, right, he was a Knight, not a chef. Sigh, I will go to study Ronan's recipes.' Jeeves finally gave up and headed back to the kitchen.After Jeeves left, Ley looked for another victim for her rambles. When she was looking around her, came into the room but was quickly ignored by Ley.'

Not you, Jin.' I can cook a meal!' 'To call it a meal, it has to be at least edible.' 'You know me, I never give up! If I train my heart out my cooking skills will improve!'

'Then why don't you train to eat peas and green peppers?' 'Hmph, and would you be confident enough to offer something you cooked?' 'How can I give my garbage of a meal to Amy?!

What if my food causes her throat to swell up?!' Where's Haunt?!' As Ley called, Haunt hopped inside Ley's room. As Ley stared down at Haunt, it started to sweat.' 'It's not hard, Haunt. You just have to cook a delicious meal. Easy, right?'

Food is not important? What could be more important than food?' Haunt carefully handed Ley the telescope and Ley took it as she walked out of her cabin. As she looked to the distance he noticed something quickly approaching the ship.' That's the Gold Reaper. Everyone gets out to the deck!' 'Ack, the Gold Reaper??'

As Ley yelled out, Jeeves and Jin ran out to the deck. Jeeves and Jin both positioned themselves and got ready to greet Rufus.Pirate Queen Ley and Rufus, the two great Pirates of the demon sea, were about to collide.As the two Pirate ships got close, the two Captains stared at each other and both of them gave each other a very disapproving look.' What is The Crimson River doing out on the ocean? Why don't you find a nice river or a kiddie pool to play in?' 'Hmph, what's the Grim Reaper of the doing here? Go reap money off of the dead instead of the living!' 'If you insist on staying in my Golden Ocean, I will have to force you to leave.'

'You are an Underling! You don't own anything in the Demon World.' 'I guess there's no use talking.' 'That's my line! Battle positions!' Navigator Jin, Helmsman Jeeves, and Haunt all got ready.Rufus snickered and looked at Ley.' Just those three?'

'They are more than your worthless crew members!' Ley became angry as Rufus laughed at her crew. The three crew members stared at Ley as the remember being grilled by Ley a moment ago about their cooking skills.

They wished Ley would show her appreciation and treat them better.' I never back away from a fight. 『Snap』As Rufus snapped his fingers, the sea parted on both sides of his ship and two ghost ships emerged.'

Hmph, the only one that would be scared by ghosts is!' Ley wasn't even fazed by Rufus' ghastly crew and drew her musket out.It was time for battle. USDThe Mistress of the inn, Ley von Crimson River was a go-getter.

For the past three years, the inn was in a slump, but she didn't shut down and protected her inn. But she was barely avoiding deficit and was going through hardships like any other business. No one would think it's weird if she shuts down her inn and looks for a different job.' I'm not closing down this week.

I'll pay your wage, don't worry.' We have a target!' Jeeves ran towards me very excited.'

What target?' 'Listen to me, Mistress! It's a chance for our inn to get back into business!' This is what Jeeves said.

The son of a loan shark who was out on the battlefield was returning to live a rural life. The loan shark from the neighborhood is known for having a lot of money in the area. It's in everyone's interest to see what kind of business he will give to his son.' But there's no way he will run his business the way his dad wants him to run. Because he went on the battlefield to become successful when he could've just lived a rich life.' Jeeves barely swallowed the words 'just like to Mistress'.'

He probably made a lot of friends on the battlefield. And there should be guys who follow him around for his money. A lot of outsiders will come.' 'So you're saying to provide the best service to the next person that comes in so his friends will become our guests too?' 'That's right, Mistress!' Then shall we get ready to meet the big guest?' Ley wrote down a list of groceries to buy and handed it to Jeeves.

Jeeves who ran off to the market came back empty-handed.' Um, Mistress? They said you can't buy anything on credit now.' Then there's no other way!' Ley took out the money from her clothes.

Jeeves' eyes got big.' How do you have money?'

'What do you mean? It's your wage.' Haunt who was sweeping the yard looked up with his eyes wide open.' Why our wage.' 'You said there's a target?

Didn't you say that because you were confident?' 'Yes, of course.' 'Well then, think of it as an investment.' Jeeves who was very hesitant went back to the market. He couldn't look back because he could feel Haunt's stare.

Ley changed into her best clothes after sending Jeeves off to the market. It was a flowery Kimono that seemed to have a fragrant. As they were finishing up the preparation, they saw a traveler walking toward them with the sunset behind his back. He looked like.' The target is coming.' Ley opened her umbrella and went to greet him with a big smile on her face.UltimaA sphere that can contain a massive amount of magical power.A person could never possibly wield their strength flawlessly. Sometimes you would apply too much power and end up wasting it.

What if you could store that power instead of wasting it?Ultima was created on that exact idea. However, it is no longer in production as it was too powerful. Why was it considered too powerful? Think about the demons that live an eternity and can store all the power their wield in that artifact, the outcome would be catastrophic. Magic Attack: 1400. 3d fighting games online. Physical Defense: 250. Magic Defense: 370.

Max Health: 1770Acquisition. Shop: Can be purchased in. Fusing Heroes: Acquire randomly through Hero Fusion. Treasure Chest: Can be acquired from Diamond Chest. Shop: Can be acquired from.AttributesVitalityMagical AttackPhysical DefenseMagical DefenseBase1884Max20263015SkillsTIP: You can upgrade a skill every time the hero achieves. 'Special' skill cannot be enhanced. To acquire the 'Chaser' skill, unlock the Hero's.

ACTIVESkill IconNameSPCooldownDescriptionJeeves28 sec(s)'Summon 'Jeeves' and attack'Summon 'Jeeves' in the targeted location to deal 246% of magic attack damage and summon 'Jeeves' for 30 seconds. If 'Jeeves' is summoned, 'Let's go! Jeeves' skills can be used. When 'Jeeves' is summoned, he may not be summoned again.(Summoned beings will have 0 BP)Let's go!

Jeeves'Jeeves' will charge towards the designated location and with his shoulders, he will push away enemies dealing 239.8% of Jeeves' magic attack damage.(3-second cooldown)Follow! Haunt116 sec(s)'Haunt' will attack when summoned'After dealing with 108% of magic attack damage in the targeted location, summon 'Haunt' for 30 seconds. 'Haunt' will follow around the nearest enemy and deal 110% of Haunt's magic attack damage per second and reduce the enemy's health recovery by 50%. Can summon up to 3 'Haunt'.(Summoned beings will have 0 BP)SPECIALCenter of Gravity2030 sec(s)'Create a Black Hole and attack the enemy'In the targeted location, Ley creates a small Black Hole that sucks up nearby enemies towards it and then explodes to deal with 644% of magic attack damage.PASSIVEDemon Resonancen/an/a'Summoning will enhance yourself'When Ley summons, the power sealed in the Demon World will fill Ley and upgrade her basic attack. Ley's upgraded basic attack will collide with the enemy and explode, inflicting 35% of her magic attack on the surrounding areas. Also for each basic attack, Ley will share magic power with her summons which will upgrade them as well.Summon Upgrade Effect2% of HP is instantly recoveredSummoned creatures' skill cooldown reduces by a secondAttack damage increased by 2% at a time (Max: 50%)(HP can be recovered up to 2.4% of Ley's battle power). ACTIVESkill IconNameSPCooldownDescriptionGarouille28 sec(s)'Summon 'Garouille' and attack'Summon 'Garouille' in the targeted location to deal with 246% of magic attack damage and summon 'Garouille' for 30 seconds.

If 'Garouille' is summoned, 'Break Through' skill can be used. When 'Garouille' is summoned, it may not be summoned again and upon summon, 'Garouille' will become immune to harmful effects for 5 seconds.(Summoned beings will have 0 BP)Break Through'Garouille' will charge towards the designated location and push away enemies dealing 240.3% of Garouille's magic attack damage.(3-second cooldown)Garouille BreathEvery 7 seconds, 'Garouille' will breathe fire to the target with the highest attack power and deal 240% of Garouille's magic attack damage to the area. Attacked targets will receive 10 hits within 3 seconds and have a 10% chance per hit to petrify an enemy for 2 seconds.Follow! Haunt116 sec(s)'Haunt' will attack when summoned'After dealing with 108% of magic attack damage in the targeted location, summon 'Haunt' for 30 seconds.

'Haunt' will follow around the nearest enemy and deal 110% of Haunt's magic attack damage per second and reduce the enemy's health recovery by 50%. Every time 'Haunt' is summoned 2 times, 'Hate' can be summoned with 'On Target' skill for no SP within 6 seconds. Can summon up to 3 'Haunt'.(Summoned beings will have 0 BP)On TargetDeal 96% of magic attack damage at a designated location while pulling enemies close and dispelling shields and summon Tracer of Hate 'Hate' for 30 seconds. 'Hate' will constantly fire dark orbs with piercing capabilities to deal 93% of Hate's magic attack damage.

Also, every 6 seconds, 'Hate' will teleport to the target with the highest attack power that will draw in the enemies and then dispel shields to deal 324% of magic attack damage. Can summon up to 2 'Hate'.(Summoned beings will have 0 BP)PASSIVEDemon Resonancen/an/a'Summoning will enhance yourself'When Ley summons, the power sealed in the Demon World will fill Ley and upgrade her basic attack. Ley's upgraded basic attack will collide with the enemy and explode, inflicting 35% of her magic attack on the surrounding areas.

Also for each basic attack, Ley will share magic power with her summons which will upgrade them as well. 'Firebird Splash' will activate every time 3 or more of Ley's summons are present.Firebird Splash'Firebird Splash' is created near Ley that shoots 2 Firebirds to the target with the highest attack power and deals 86% of magic attack damage to an area.(Effect won't be removed by enemy's purify skill)Summon Upgrade Effect2% of HP is instantly recoveredSummoned creatures' skill cooldown reduces by a secondAttack damage increased by 2% at a time (Max: 50%)(HP can be recovered up to 2.4% of Ley's battle power)Chaser Skill. DEFAULTSkill IconNameDescriptionMarch of the Empress'Summons additional 'Haunt' and blaze incoming enemies'Passive EffectDuring the battle, summon 2 'Haunt' right away.

Summon up to maximum 4 'Haunt'. Every summoned being from Ley will deal with magical areas of effect damage of 75% per second. Ley can blaze target when it approaches her and deals with magic damage of 80% area of effect every 2 seconds. If Ley has 4 summoned beings or more, the magical damage is enhanced by 120%.(Max: 7 targets)Active EffectIn the targeted area, it deals with magic damage of 1,100% and summons 3 'Haunt'.UPGRADEDLVL 0/3Reach Ley 'Chaser' Rank 20LVL 1Passive EffectDuring the battle, summon 2 'Haunt' right away. Summon up to maximum 4 'Haunt'. Every summoned being from Ley will deal with magical areas of effect damage of 75% per second.

Grand Chase Ley

Ley can blaze target when it approaches her and deals with magic damage of 80% area of effect every 2 seconds. If Ley has 4 summoned beings or more, the magical damage is enhanced by 120%.(Max: 7 targets)Active EffectIn the targeted area, it deals with magic damage of 1,287% and summons 3 'Haunt'.LVL 2Passive EffectDuring the battle, summon 2 'Haunt' right away. Summon up to maximum 4 'Haunt'. Every summoned being from Ley will deal with magical areas of effect damage of 75% per second. Ley can blaze target when it approaches her and deals with magic damage of 80% area of effect every 2 seconds.

If Ley has 4 summoned beings or more, the magical damage is enhanced by 120%.(Max: 7 targets)Active EffectIn the targeted area, it deals with magic damage of 1,463% and summons 3 'Haunt'.LVL 3Passive EffectDuring the battle, summon 2 'Haunt' right away. Summon up to maximum 4 'Haunt'. Every summoned being from Ley will deal with magical areas of effect damage of 75% per second. Ley can blaze target when it approaches her and deals with magic damage of 80% area of effect every 2 seconds. If Ley has 4 summoned beings or more, the magical damage is enhanced by 120%.(Max: 7 targets)Active EffectIn the targeted area, it deals with magic damage of 1,650% and summons 3 'Haunt'.ADDITIONAL EFFECTLVL 1/2⇊LVL 2/2Requires 'March of the Empress' LVL 1Passive EffectEvery summoned being from Ley will deal with magical areas of effect damage of 150% per second. Every 3 basic attacks, every Ley's summoned beings will have increased crit chance by 30% for 5 seconds and reduce damage taken by 50%.

This effect does not stack.Requires 'March of the Empress' LVL 2Passive EffectEvery summoned being from Ley will deal with magical areas of effect damage of 150% per second. Enemies who got hit will have reduced heal amount of 65%. Every 3 basic attacks, every Ley's summoned beings will have increased crit chance by 30% for 5 seconds and reduce damage taken by 50%. This effect does not stack. DEFAULTSkill IconNameDescriptionMarch of the Empress'Summons additional 'Haunt' and blaze incoming enemies'Passive EffectDuring the battle, summon 2 'Haunt' right away.

Summon up to maximum 4 'Haunt'. Every summoned being from Ley will deal with magical areas of effect damage of 75% per second. Ley can blaze target when it approaches her and deals with magic damage of 80% area of effect every 2 seconds. If Ley has 4 summoned beings or more, the magical damage is enhanced by 120%.(Max: 7 targets)Active EffectIn the targeted area, it deals with magic damage of 275% and summons 3 'Haunt'.UPGRADEDLVL 0/3Reach Ley 'Chaser' Rank 20LVL 1Passive EffectDuring the battle, summon 2 'Haunt' right away. Summon up to maximum 4 'Haunt'.

Every summoned being from Ley will deal with magical areas of effect damage of 75% per second. Ley can blaze target when it approaches her and deals with magic damage of 80% area of effect every 2 seconds. If Ley has 4 summoned beings or more, the magical damage is enhanced by 120%.(Max: 7 targets)Active EffectIn the targeted area, it deals with magic damage of 321.75% and summons 3 'Haunt'.LVL 2Passive EffectDuring the battle, summon 2 'Haunt' right away. Summon up to maximum 4 'Haunt'.

Every summoned being from Ley will deal with magical areas of effect damage of 75% per second. Ley can blaze target when it approaches her and deals with magic damage of 80% area of effect every 2 seconds. If Ley has 4 summoned beings or more, the magical damage is enhanced by 120%.(Max: 7 targets)Active EffectIn the targeted area, it deals with magic damage of 365.75% and summons 3 'Haunt'.LVL 3Passive EffectDuring the battle, summon 2 'Haunt' right away. Summon up to maximum 4 'Haunt'. Every summoned being from Ley will deal with magical areas of effect damage of 75% per second. Ley can blaze target when it approaches her and deals with magic damage of 80% area of effect every 2 seconds.

If Ley has 4 summoned beings or more, the magical damage is enhanced by 120%.(Max: 7 targets)Active EffectIn the targeted area, it deals with magic damage of 412.5% and summons 3 'Haunt'.ADDITIONAL EFFECT.

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