Urban Empire Обзор

Urban Empire Обзор Rating: 3,7/5 6039 votes

The Yawhg is a one-to-four player choose-your-own-adventure game that randomizes a unique story every time you play. The evil Yawhg is returning. How will the town’s locals lead their lives in the meanwhile, and what will they do when the dreaded Yawhg. The Yawhg is a one- to four-player choose-your-own-adventure game that randomizes the story every time it is played. Players must decide how they will spend their time over the course of six weeks leading up to a supernatural storm. The players’ actions will decide the fate of the post-storm community. Listen to The Yawhg. Game by Emily Carroll & Damian Somme r; website by Droqe n.Droqe n. Welcome to the The Yawhg Wiki Edit. The Yawhg will be here in 6 weeks, but this wiki will help you prepare for it! Synopsis Edit. The Yawhg is a game for two to four players that was created by Damian Sommer and Emily Carrol in the style of traditional choose-your-own adventure books, with a modern, graphic twist. The yawhg. A Choose Your Own Adventure game with RPG Elements, The Yawhg was created by Emily Carroll and Damian Sommer. The player can take control of up to four different citizens as they go about their lives, blissfully unaware that in six scant weeks the YAWHG will arrive.

Contents.Duties The gangs of, and others which were used by rival politicians during the Republic had been eliminated mostly due to the efforts of. Although political gangs were a thing of the past since effective power no longer resided in the competing factions of the and, some kind of police force was necessary to maintain public order and prevent civil disturbances. To fulfill this purpose established three urban cohorts ( cohortes urbanae) under a newly appointed prefect of the city. Their primary role was to Rome and counteract roaming mobs and that often haunted its streets during the. The urban cohorts thus acted as a heavy duty police force, capable of duties, while their contemporaries, the, policed the streets and fought fires.

Urban Empire's premise of focusing on the political tumult that's usually behind city planning is a good one, and the emphasis on four families allows for some lightweight roleplay in how you.

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Urban Empire Обзор

As a trained organization, the urban cohorts could, on rare occasions, go to battle if necessary. This role, however, was only called upon in dire situations.Unlike the Vigiles, who mostly operated at night as firefighters and watchmen, members of the urban cohorts were considered, though with higher pay than the regular legions—if not quite as much as the —and tended to receive slightly higher though, again, not as much as the Praetorians. Organization Originally the cohortes urbanae were divided into three cohorts, each cohort being commanded by one and six. In the time of the this was increased to four cohorts. Each cohort contained around five hundred men. Only were eligible to serve in their ranks. As with the Praetorians, the men of the urban cohorts were predominantly of Italian stock.Urban cohorts, (known as city cohorts in non-Roman cities) were later created in both the Roman North African city of and the city of in (modern ).

See also.References.

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