Shining Force Walkthrough

Shining Force Walkthrough Rating: 3,8/5 1853 votes

Page 1.Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark DragonFAQ/Walkthrough FAQVersion 1.4Albert ChoFAQ started: 5/02/04Last Update: 5/08/04E-Mail Address: of Contents:1. Version History4.

Containing a brief list of events needed in order to advance the plot and to obtain all characters, this walkthrough was designed for players already having played.

Sites that can use this guide5. Info about the game6. E-mail policy.1. Introduction.I just got this remake of Shining Force 1 for Gameboy Advance and my firstimpression of it was that it?s a very different game. I was impressed with thegraphic changes and I?m writing this walkthrough while playing through the game.My first impression is that it seems to be a very different game from theoriginal and I will just have to see how different.2. Disclaimer.This FAQ is copyright 2004-2005 Albert Cho and can not be used on your siteunless you have my permission. If you want to post this FAQ on your website thensend me an e-mail telling me specific information.

(URL etc.) I will probablysay yes 99% of the time if asked. This FAQ shall not be changed in anyway. Ifyou decide to post on your site without my permission legal action will takeplace.3. Version History.Version 1.4 (5/08/04)- Haven?t really looked at the guide for the last couple ofdays.

Anyway I got up to Battle 21 and went through another chapter and now I?mat six. Went through several boss fights so the descriptions were a bit longer.My guide got posted on yay!

And soon I will submit it togamefaqs. Anyway enjoy the update.Version 1.3 (5/05/04)- I?m going at a pretty fast pace with this guide. Made itto Battle 17 on my walkthrough and went through another chapter. All the othersections are still incomplete?

So bear with me.Version 1.2 (5/04/04)- Got up to Battle 14 on my walkthrough. All the othersections are still incomplete. Bear with me.Version 1.1 (5/03/04)- Up to Battle 10 on my walkthrough. Went past 2 chaptersand I?m going at a good pace. This is time consuming work.Version 1.0 (5/02/04)- Started this guide today. It?s my new project in about ayear so I might be a bit rusty.

I have written a guide on its sequel ShiningForce 2 for Genesis which was a great game so I decided to play this game andsee how good it is. The only section that has some stuff is the walkthroughsection.

The other sections won?t be done for a very, very long time.4. Sites that can use this guide.These are the only sites that have my permission to post this guide on

Info about the game.Shining Force is different from other Rpg games because it is a strategy Rpgmeaning that the point of the game is for your army to be superior to the enemyarmy. There are no random battles. All the battles are planned and you have tofight them, you can?t run. Each character is different in its own way, meaningthat some characters will have more life then others while others are faster.The game play is simple and doesn?t require much practice. Well that is all thebasic info about the game, on to the walkthrough.6.

Characters.UNDER CONSTRUCTION!.7. Chapter 1: Runefaust Invasion.a. Guardiana.Party Recommended level: 1You start out the game in a sparring match with your teacher Varios. After thefight Varios gets called up to the castle and you have a chat with your friendbefore you can advance. Head up to the castle which is in a north direction.This is all before your little chat with the priest about various things youneed to know about this game. If you already played the first Shining Force forGenesis you can literally just ignore him.

Anyway head up and talk to the king.After he talks about some invasion, you have to talk to Varios and the 2advisors next to the king before talking to the king once more. Head out and asoldier will instruct you on where the base is. Once you go inside you areintroduced to your party and several characters will join you including yourbest friend Lowe. After doing all this head back to the king and talk to him.Accept the mission and he will give you 100 gold coins to start you off. Hesuggests buying herb, but I don?t find that useful because you have a healer.Anyway after doing all of this head out and the guard south of the town will letyou pass.

You get in the caravan, but somewhere on the road you are transportedelsewhere and a strange creature tells you about some cards. As of now I have noidea what he is talking about, but sooner or later I?ll find out.

Anyway thecaravan heads into the castle for your first battle of the game.Battle 1.Victory Condition: Defeat the Rune KnightClear Bonus: In 8 turns 250 gold coinsWhoa so this game did get a lot better. The one for Genesis didn?t have a clearbonus or the victory condition. Anyway this is the basic battle so it shouldn?tbe all that hard. I?ll be here to give you some tips and pointers to get pastthis battle.Monsters: 5 Goblins, 2 Dark Dwarfs, 1 Rune KnightDifficulty: 2/10After the initial earthquake the battle starts. The enemy is a bit far from you.First head out with your melee fighters up in front. The goblins will form awall in front of you.

This is not that hard to break. The rest will thankfullybe in the back. If they all attacked at once you might get overrun. Anyway getaccustomed to the controls of this game. First defeat the goblins and you willnotice they get experience.

Every time it reaches 100 they level up.This map is not hard at all. Just beat the crap out of everything.

I recommendeggressing out of the battle and talking to Gong outside of the house so you canhave him join you. He is a monk who can heal. I recommend being level 3 beforeyou try and go any further. Keep egressing and repeating until you reach thedesired level.After you head out of the ruined temple you are immediately thrown into anotherbattle. It?s just a little harder then the first one so be a little more wary,but if you took my advice and leveled to 3 then this battle will be easy so noworries.Recommended level after battle: 3.Battle 2.Victory Conditions: Destroy all enemies.

Get to Guardiana.Clear Bonus: Clear in 12 turns DwarfBusterThe first look on this map shows that you need to take the long route back toGuardiana. If you want the clear bonus then you must move fast and not waste anyturns stalling. Otherwise the monsters are the same from the last battle, justthere are a lot more of them. If any of your members died in theprevious battle then egress out and heal them.Monsters: 6 Goblins, 3 Dark Dwarfs, 2 Rune KnightsDifficulty: 3/10 (5/10 if you want to clear it in 12 turns)Okay if you want the clear bonus which is a better sword for Max then I suggestyou get moving. I was able to clear this map at exactly the 12th turn.

You needto move as fast as possible while clearing out all the monsters. If you arelevel 3 like I recommended to you then this is an easy task. Just mop up themonsters with your hard hitters Luke, Max, and Ken and provide back up with Tao.This is once again another easy map.Recommended level after battle: 4Head into Guardiana after the battle to see what happened. After you enter thetown you?ll see the destruction that just occurred. If you want to add inanother hard hitter into your force who is really good, then head in a northeast direction from the entrance. Enter the bar and talk to the old man. Hejoins up.After this head to the castle to see the incident that is occurring.

The kingand Varios dies by Kane and as his final wish the king wants Max to stop theevil from spreading. Then he dies. You will get another addition to your forcewith Mae. She is a knight like Ken just in my opinion better. After this buy anaxe for Luke and then head out for yet another battle.Battle 3.Victory Condition: Destroy all enemies.

Get to AlteroneClear Bonus: In 10 turns 400 gold coins.Hmmmm. At the start of the battle Nova recommends that you set up a decoy so youcan run into Alterone without killing everything. I guess that is an option, butI never liked running away.

The clear bonus is also not as enticing, because ifyou egressed and leveled up in the first few battles you should more then enoughgold. So I?m going to take this battle slow and kill everything. It?s up to youon what strategy you?re going to use.Monsters: 5 Giant Bats, 5 Dark Dwarfs, 5 Rune KnightsDifficulty: 5/10 (3/10 if you plan to use a decoy and run into the castle)Goblins are now gone and in their place are the giant bats which are veryannoying. From my previous experience with Shining Force they can put yourmembers to sleep on random occasion plus they dodge a lot so I suggest you takethem out with magic. First start out with rushing forward. The dwarfs can?t hurtyou much and just chop your way through.

When you reach the knights I would becareful, because they do tend to gang up on one character and can kill them in 1turn. Otherwise not very hard at all.

You should have Blaze 2 by now so wheneverthey pack together destroy them. Save a blaze or two for the Rune Knightsthough, you will need it.Recommended level after battle: 4-5.b. Alterone.Head into the first house and go downstairs to take a Bronze Lance and 70 goldcoins.

I know its immoral but it?s just a game people ^^. Head intoheadquarters and talk to all your teammates. I managed to get cards out of Ken,Lowe, Hans, and Luke. Mae and Gort wouldn?t finish their story. You must talk tothem repeatedly. I?m still a little fuzzy on what the cards do though.

I mustexperiment with them.Stop by the weapons shop to get some more gold and a healing seed. You can buy anew staff for Lowe, but otherwise you don?t need anything here. You shouldalready have the Dwarf Buster as a clear bonus from battle 2, but if you don?t Ihighly suggest you go buy it now. After that talk to the merchant standing bystatue and say yes that you are Max. You need to do this if you want to advancewith the story.

One way to get a nifty item for later use then head north of theweapon shop. You will see a girl standing by a river bank. Head to the right ofher and push the cart into her direction. Then talk to her and she will throwyou in the river. Get the item from the chest and now head up into another houseand go downstairs. Raid the old man of his items and equip your new sword toMax.

Head into the castle.Before talking with the King explore the castle and start getting the usefulitems around. You will get an abundance of healing seeds as well as anothermiddle sword. The best item here is the DEF Potion for later use. After gettingall the items, talk to the King. Follow the King and you will meet with Kane.

Itseems you have been tricked. They throw you in prison. You can save with thepriest inside of your jail cell, but search the door and Khris will come saveyou. Khris then joins your party. You will be at headquarters, but once youleave it will trigger the fourth battle.Battle 4.Victory Conditions: Destroy all enemies.Clear Bonus: In 12 turns Jagged FlashHmmm I want the item so I?ll try and do this as fast as possible.

The enemiesseem to be spread out and 2 new enemy units are now here. One is a mage and theother 2 are snipers. The mage has Blaze level 2 so be careful not to group yourunits tightly together when you are near it. Anyway onto the battle strategy.Monsters: 4 Giant Bats, 4 Dark Dwarfs, 4 Rune Knights, 2 Snipers, 1 Dark MageDifficulty: 5/10 (6/10 if you want to try to do the clear bonus)My first time through I realized that it would be very hard to win this battlewith the clear bonus if you don?t separate your troops.

So I sent my whole partynorth to engage the Dark Mage and the bats, but I sent Max and Gort to the rightto engage the Dark Dwarfs. This way I can engage both groups at once and get theclear bonus. All the enemies should only be doing about 1 damage or so at thispoint of the game. If you are level 5 then no worries. Get rid of the Dark Magein 1 hit and hit the enemy with Blaze level 2 because they like to grouptogether.

Otherwise it?s not very hard at all.Recommended level after battle: 6You start outside of the castle of Alterone. Head into the castle and talk tothe king.

He will speak about how sorry he is and how he made a big mistake.After you forgive him (I don?t know what happens if you don?t) then head to thedragon statue that he showed you before. Search the statue to open up the hiddenpassageway and continue on your quest to rid the world of evil. Heh.CHAPTER 1 OVER!In the epilogue you meet up with a princess named Narshe and some dialoguebetween the big foes. Some trouble seems to be brewing.

Interesting a surprisebattle, well anyway let?s find out how to beat it.Battle 5.Victory Conditions: Didn?t stateClear Bonus: None statedThis battle can not be won. You are introduced to Zuika and then once Narshegets wounded the battle is over. Heh it was a joke battle. I wanted tobeat more bad guys.Chapter 2: Spirit of the Holy Spring.The map starts right outside of Rindo.

Head into the town and let?s see what?shappening next in our quest.c. Rindo.Head inside Rindo and I suggest going to the weapon store and buying yourhealers some power staffs. You can go watch the play, but it sucks so I suggestyou conserve time. There isn?t too many things to do except talk to the mayorand tell him about Guardiana. He tells you go to Manarina and talk to them aboutit saying it doesn?t concern him. Anyway take his advice and exit the town. Timefor yet another battle.Battle 6.Victory Conditions: Destroy all enemies.

Get to Manarina.Clear Bonus: In 18 turns Doll HaterOk from the first look of this battle you notice how far everything is. Isuggest you take things slow the first time around and egress back to get moreexperience. It?s your choice. Nova warns you against the giant bats? But trustme your focus is on the zombies and the dark mages further above. You will needTao?s magic to make things easier here.Monsters: 4 Zombies, 3 Dark Mage, 4 Giant Bats, 3 Dark Dwarfs, 2 SnipersDifficulty: 6.5/10If Luke or Gort has the Jagged Star have them target the flying creatures,because they will obviously be able to hit them better.

At least that?s what thedescription guarantees. Hurry along and demolish everything in your path untilyou get to the zombies. If you are at least level 5 then everything should beinsanely easy before the zombies.

When you reach the zombies group your unitstogether and prepare for a brawl which can kill off a lot of your units. Justfight through it.

Note the desert makes your movement minimal so it might behard to run into Manarina without dying and I?m not a coward anyway. I like tofight my way through this and you should try to do it too. If not for thechallenge then for the experience.Anyway for some additional help against the zombies. The reason it seemsdifficult is that they also poison as well as with the minimal movement with thesand its hard to have all your characters moving at the same pace. Make sure youhave 0 characters stuck outside wandering on its own or else the zombies willkill it. The dark mages in are protected by the zombies so its hard to reachthem.

The plan is to hurry along and then in one turn go in and kill all thezombies. Your mages should have decent attack power if they have power staffequipped and they can deal decent damage to it. If you have characters at least6-7 then you can kill the zombies in 2 hits. Make sure you have Lowe at a decentlevel too so he knows detox as that can save your life. If you want to get theclear bonus then try and have the giant bats not put you to sleep or else itwill be hard.Recommended level after promotion: 6-7.d.

Manarina.Make sure you heal any characters that died or are poisoned. This town has lotsof stuff to do so let?s get down to business. Head into the castle and talk toAnri about the events that happened in Chapter 1 about her father dying. Anrithen grieves for a bit and then joins your party. I highly recommend trainingher, because she is a very powerful mage and in my opinion a lot better thenTao.Head in a north east direction from the entrance of the castle.

Make your waythrough the library and in the room next to the stairs leading up you will see awitch with a strange machine next to her. Talk to her twice and she will tellyou to search the machine. Search the machine to receive Domingo Egg and trustme Domingo owns.Now it?s time to get a few cards.

Head upstairs and head south and talk to thewomen standing next to another weird capsule like building. Talk to her andagree to be turned into a chicken. After you get turned into a chicken headupstairs then go up the stairs that are next to a white knight standing next tolaundry. At the top go back down. From this room you will see stairs leading upand down head up. Keep going up until you reach the top.

Head left and push thewitch (might take a few tries) down the slide. Head down the slide and godownstairs. Talk to the guard and he will let you pass.

Talking to the witchhere will turn you back into a man. Get the chest for Tao?s Card. Now head backto where a witch is standing in front of a weird machine. This time instead ofheading up the stairs go down the stairs and search the book case for Anri?sCard.Now talk to the knight standing next to the laundry so he will join you later.If you don?t talk to him now he won?t join up later. Wheww I told you there wasa lot of stuff to do. After doing all these tasks it?s time to head back to ourquest.

Head back to the entrance and talk to red mage named Otrant. She tellsyou to prove yourself and you should oblige her and do so. It is time foranother battle.Battle 7.Victory Condition: Defeat the skeletonClear Bonus: In 10 turns 500 goldThe clear bonus isn?t too impressive and defeating the skeleton seems to be theobjective. There are lots of giant bats and those are very annoying.

This is agood map to build up Anri?s level and I suggest you train here a bit. Egress outand get to at least level 7 or 8 here.Monsters: 3 Zombies, 2 Snipers, 4 Dark Mages, 1 Skeleton, 5 Giant BatsDifficulty: 6/10The beginning isn?t very hard.

Dispose of the zombies at the beginning of themap quickly with either hard melee hitters or just blaze them to death. I wouldpreserve your MP and just have your melee take care of them. Against the groupon the bridge use a Blaze level 2 and then quickly mop up with your meleehitters. This is a great map to level Anri and I got her to level 6 beforeleaving. Once the bats enter the fray it?s not that much harder, because theworst they can do is put you to sleep.

Just attack them and gang up on all fiveand try and get rid of them all by turn 1. Now quickly head up to where the 3mages and the skeleton is.

DO NOT GROUP YOUR UNITS TOGETHER too tightly. Or elsethose mages will burn you to death. Have a formation similar to this.X X XX XThis way Blaze will never hit more then 1 person.

The person that gets hit byblaze should be healed quickly and then take out the mages with 3 hits. Not veryhard at all. Take care of the skeleton using magic because physical attacks donot do much damage to him and he hits hard so kill him fast. Blaze will get ridof him quick. This battle wasn?t too difficult.Recommended level after battle: 7Pick up all the items after the battle as there are some nifty items.Follow Otrant?s directions and head back to the room with stairs leading downinto the Cavern of Darkness.

Instead this time head north and the wall with theeye will move away and will let you progress with the story.The lady will come out and inform you more of what the quest is. She obviouslyknows more then she is telling, but after she is done talking she disappears andyou need to go back to where Otrant is. She will tell you that you are theShining Force and that you must go to Prompt.Before you leave make sure you talk to Arthur so that he joins you. From myopinion Arthur seems weak at first but from level 15-20 unpromoted he gainsgodly stats and that?s one of the reasons I train him. It?s up to you, becausehe can be very hard to deal with early on. I recommend giving him the power ringor else he won?t be able to kill anything.Head back to Rindo and you?ll see that the circus is in town. First talk to theold guy by the boat and then head to the mayor?s house so you can try and getthe boat for yourself.

The mayor then says that he will only lend you the boatif you do him a favor. Agree to do so and then find his grandson. Hint hisgrandson is in a place where clowns dwell and I mentioned it in on my firstsentence of this paragraph. If you can?t figure it out?

Then you need help?Enter the circus for another battle and this one is a doozie.Battle 8.Victory Condition: Defeat the MarionetteClear Bonus: In 8 turns Zombie CharmerFrom the look of things you may underestimate this battle, but don?t? This isarguably the hardest battle in Shining Force. I highly recommend mages with alvl 2 spell and have your party members be at level 7 or 8. I was level 8 hereand I had trouble defeating it.Monsters: 3 Giant Bats, 3 Mannequins, 3 Evil Puppets, 2 Dire Clown, 1 MarionetteDifficulty: 8.5/10The marionette has Freeze level 3 and uses it often. It can deal 17 damage toabout 4 characters. If you don?t kill the other monsters then they will mop upand the odds of the character dying are about 90%.

The plan here is to destroythe mannequins to your left quickly and the bats by Turn 4. Then by turn 5 killoff the 3 evil puppets and then at turn 6 rush in and quickly dispose of theDire Clowns.

Set Max away from everyone else because I noticed that themarionette targets him if he can about 95% of the time. Just pray that hedoesn?t kill Max and heal him every time he gets hit.With the rest of your team gang up on the Marionette and kill him in that turn.Magic will do almost no damage to him as Anri?s blaze level 2 when I casted iton the marionette it did 0 damage. Physical attacks work nicely, but be verycareful because his Freeze level 3 can easily take out 3 or 4 of your group ifyou group them closely with Max. Spread out your team. Trust me if you don?tit?s the fastest way to losing. I highly suggest you are level 8 by now to makethis easier.Recommended level after battle: 7-8After the battle you save the mayor?s grandson.

You end up outside of the circustent, but head back in to get the 3 treasure chests you missed from before.There are some very useful items for Hans (if you use him, I don?t) and a DEFpotion. Those are always handy. By now you should have trained Arthur to adecent level. Arthur was level 7 when this battle was over.Anyway after all this head back up to where the mayor is. He thanks you and saysyou can use the boat. Head back to where the boat is and get on it. Howeverbefore you head over to the boat head to the right of the mayor?s house.

Headinside the house to meet Guntz for the first time. He will join you later, butyou want to talk to him now. Talk to the old man to trigger a comic scene. Afterdoing this head to the ship.Mishaela comes and destroys the ship. What a shame?

Now you have no way to reachyour destination. Could your quest be over? Obviously not or else I wouldn?t bewriting this guide. Sorry for rambling; anyway head out of the ship and go talkto the mayor again for an alternate way. The mayor will tell you to talk to hisson and your next destination is the Shade Abbey which is north of Rindo. Solet?s get moving.e.

Shade Abbey.You notice a bird warrior right next to you and saying that her husband needshelp. Obviously you should assume that something is very wrong. Be cautious asanother battle is headed your way and it?s not a piece of cake. If you talk tothe people they say some funny things that don?t make too much sense. Head tothe right room and you will see 3 bookcases.

Search the farthest right one toget Balbaroy?s card. All you can do after that is head straight north and talkto the statue. When you talk to the bird statue it warns you of a trap, but it?salready too late.Darksol has taken over this abbey and obviously wants you dead. Here comes yetanother battle.Battle 9.Victory Condition: Destroy all enemiesClear Bonus: In 8 turns 1000 coinsThe clear bonus is sort of enticing I guess? If you train a bit gold usuallyisn?t a problem.

Boss only)Shin Megami Tensei: 20XX Devil's ColosseumLevelHPMPLight/Neutral9910,0004,560CPNOAATKACCDEFEVAM.ATKM.EFC0All0319St40. NoneASwdGunFirIceElcForNrvExpCrsMgcBndRshHndLegFlyAlm-Rf6 /8Rf4 /8RfRfRfRfRfRfRfRfRfRf-SkillEffectMegidoMedium Almighty damage to all foes.MegidolaonHeavy Almighty damage to all foes.DekajaRemoves all buffs, all foes.RikajaRemoves all debuffs, all allies.Mouth of GodInstant death to the foe with lowest Intelligence. Shin megami tensei iv apocalypse walkthrough

Well anyway you hear that Darksol killed the priest to learnmore information about the Dark Legacy. You will notice that Max is separatedfrom the rest of your group so hurry up and get him to safety and have yourforce move up to cover him or else he will die.Monsters: 6 Zombies, 3 Skeletons, 1 GhoulDifficulty: 6/10If you don?t move Max down by the end of Turn 1 it?s game over. Unless yousomehow got him to a really high level he won?t survive.

Move your party up andform a box with the melee fighters outside protecting the mages and healersinside. The ghouls, and skeletons hit hard and you don?t want your magesexposed. Blaze works really well in this level and I suggest you go fire happy.The ghoul?s attack is really high and for some reasons the zombies have a betterattack then the skeletons. I don?t know why that is?

But anyway this battleshouldn?t be too difficult as long as you keep your mages protected. If youdon?t then they will get slaughtered. My party had Luke, Gort, Max and Arthur upfront and they took minimal damage. Great place to get levels too and I suggestlevel 9 by this time.Recommended level after battle: 8-9After this battle, Balbaroy thanks you for saving him. Then Balbaroy and Amonjoin the force to aid you in your quest. Hmm I also decided that I will useBalbaroy but not Amon, because I had success with the birdman in the past.

Amonalso gives you her card before the scene ends.CHAPTER 2 END!I?m not going to even bother calling this a battle. It?s just like last time.Once Zuika and Narsha dies the scene switches over and the three characters talkjust like last time about how they must not yet die.Chapter 3: Secret Weapon of Runefaust.f.

Bustoke.There are no males in this town or so the description says when you first enter.If you talk to the villagers you find out that Runefaust is forcing them towork. Obviously you must stop this, but before you go act all heroic buy somenew weapons from the dealer. If you want to train Balbaroy or Amon then givethem the Power Ring because they are much too weak right now.Head to the house above headquarters and talk to the women. She will mentionZylo and how the men in the town are being forced to work at the quarry. Talk tothe girl who is named Diane and she will join you.

She is a lot better thenHans, so you might want them to switch spots. After doing this you will learnthat Zylo is a beastman who went insane, but needs the Lunar Dew to get better.Head back to where the entrance is, but this time head right and go inside thehouse to talk to the old man. He says how he needs a Moonstone to make the LunarDew and save Zylo.Now is the time for yet another battle so I suggest you get your party set andready to do battle.Battle 10.Victory Conditions: Defeat the Master MageClear Bonus: In 15 turns Elf SlayerThis is a great area to train Balbaroy, Amon, or Diane.

I suggest getting yourcharacters to about level 9 or so here. I managed to get my party to level 10and it paid off in the long run.Monsters: 8 Skeletons, 4 Dark Elfs, 4 Dark Priests, 2 Dark Mages, 1 Master Mage,1 LizardmanDifficulty: 6.5/10You can easily start this battle off by killing off the skeletons. By now itshouldn?t be that hard. Then move to the right. Here you have 2 options.

Thefirst is have your knights and Balbaroy pick off the Dark Elfs because they canbe a major pain. Or the second option is to use Blaze level 2 and then mop upquickly. I suggest take option 1 and then Blaze the group below with theskeletons and the high priests. Make your priority the mages because in thattight spot they can wreak havoc on your party. After you kill this major groupthe hard part is over. Head south killing off the remaining 2 skeletons quicklyand make sure you move fast to get the clear bonus.Once you reach the area where the Master Mage is just rush the group. Thereshould only be 4 units and its quick work for your party by now.

You can startthings with a Blaze but its not necessary, as you can just overrun them. Themaster mage from my experience stays in that spot so you can?t attack its backwithout a flyer. Overall this battle is only hard at the part where you need tokill the 2 Dark Mages as they can be a pain.After the battle head into the cave and get the Moonstone from the chest. Nowgive it to the old man so he can make the Lunar Dew to make Zylo better. Beforewe go heal Zylo lets have it so that Kokichi another hidden character will joinus later on in the game as a playable character. Head into the house that?s 2doors right of the weapon store.

Head down the stairs and examine the machinefrom above it. If you talk to Kokichi nothing happens. After you inspect themachine he demonstrates by flying it outside. Later on he joins your party.Now to save Zylo head to where Diana?s house was. Go to the right of it and headup and then go to the right and then straight down. Talk to Diana?s mother andif you have the Lunar Dew she will open the door. Go in talk to Zylo and givehim the potion.

Zylo then joins your force and boy o boy I suggest you keep himin your party. Now head outside for yet another battle.Recommended level after battle: 9-10.Battle 11.Victory Conditions: Destroy all enemies. Get to the Lone BridgeClear Bonus: In 15 turns 2000 gold coinsThere is a lot of forest here so mobility can be problem for all of yourcharacters except Zylo who is not affected by the forest and Balbaroy who canfly. I wasn?t too giddy about the clear bonus because I have enough gold coinsas it is.

Well anyway onto the battle plan. Note: There are new enemy unitshere.Monsters: 5 Pegasus Knights, 2 Dark Priests, 5 Skeletons, 2 Dark Elfs, 2LizardmanDifficulty: 4.5/10Ok there is a big enemy group in the beginning and there is another one in theback. The plan here is to kill the first group by Turn 7 so you can take about 6turns walking up. The skeletons should barely be hurting you by now and the onlyreal threat is the lizardman and the pegasus knights. I suggest just mowingthrough them quickly. It?s not a very hard battle at all.

If you train Zylo(highly recommended) he already has an insane attack and he can move greatdistances in this battle because forest doesn?t affect his movement range.After you kill the first group then head straight up and kill the 3 or 4 enemyunits left. The Pegasus knight in the back is stronger then the normal one so Isuggest you gang up on it. It does hefty damage. After you kill the Pegasusknight you get his card and clear bonus of 2000 gold coins.

The next battleshould be a doozy?Recommended level after battle: 10Nova suggests that you go back to Bustoke to re-equip but I really see no point.Head right into the bridge for another tough battle.Battle 12.Victory Conditions: Defeat the Silver KnightClear Bonus: In 16 turns DuelistOkay at the start of this battle, the silver knight pushes a mercenary namedPelle down the bridge. After this Nova gives you a little information about theLaser Eye.

Well to start out with the basics. The Laser Eye does damage to bothfriendly and non-friendly units regardless.

Once you move on the bridge youbetter start moving. Do not waste time dawdling or else it will deal 10-12damage to every unit you have and that can be a pain to heal. On to the battleplan.Monsters: 1 Laser Eye, 1 Silver Knight, 6 Pegasus Knights, 6 Lizardmen, 2 DarkPriests, 3 Dark ElfsDifficulty: 7.5/10The hard part about this battle is the massive amount of damage laser eye can doto your party if you are hit while on the bridge? However it hits all units soyou can take advantage of it. For the first 5-6 turns move all your charactersnorth and just south of the laser eye?s range. Then once it fires and hits andcritically injures all the enemy units along the bridge rush out and just mopup. They should all die with 1 hit and the only ones that should give youtrouble are the Pegasus knights that didn?t get hit.

Speed is the key here andyou must move as far as possible and get to the laser eye before it fires orelse it will hurt.For the most part ignore the elfs to the south of you and try and keep yourhealers away from them. They should do pitiful damage to your melee fighters,but can hurt your healers and mages so keep them away. Once you get rid of thelaser eye then just kill the Knight to end the battle and get the Duelist. Ifyou do get hit hard by the laser eye it?s not over. Just make sure you heal Maxquickly and then go for the silver knight to try and end the battle as fast aspossible. Remember you must be fast.Recommended level after battle: 10-11END OF CHAPTER 3!Some more scenes with Narsha, Zuika and Mawlock so just watch and get them overwith to start chapter 4. Once again this battle is over after Narsha dies andthen the scene shifts?

I wonder what the hell is the point of these battlesanyway? Bleh anyway start Chapter 4!.Chapter 4: The Great Fortress of Balbazak.g. Pao.Lots of stuff to do in this town. The first thing I would do is head into theleft part of the caravan and buy new weapons as they will come in handy for yourfight with General Elliot in the next battle. Now head to one of the makeshifthouses below the caravan and talk to General Elliot.

It should be the bar. Afterhe is done talking just go around and start opening the treasure chests to getsome decent items. In the sheep pen you can obtain Diane?s card as that mightcome in handy at a later time.At the priest?s house go as far left as you can of the priest and head north andlook through the window.

You will see Jogurt and he will join your party. He isa useless character and probably meant as a joke. His stats are pitiful at 1overall and I do not suggest you train him?After doing this head to the right caravan and talk to the girl and she will sayshe doesn?t want to see you and Elliot fight. They leave after you talk to heragain and say yes.Now after the caravan leaves, if you talked to Kokichi like I told you to backat Bustoke then he will come and join you right after the caravan leaves.Kokichi is a quick character that uses lances and not a bad one to train.

It?sentirely up to you.Now move around a bit and in the middle of the now deserted town you will seeyet another knight. Vankar is a mediocre knight in my opinion, and there are somany already so I decided not to train him. It?s again entirely up to you.After you are ready head out to engage the enemy in combat.Battle 13.Victory Conditions: Defeat ElliotClear Bonus: In 10 turns Raging DrumThis is a classic fair fight.

Your army is on side, while theirs is on the otherand the side with superior units is the victor. It seems like General Elliot isan honorable man and this fight is the last big boss fight since the fight withthe Marionette. On to the battle plan.Monsters: 5 Lizardmen, 3 Dark Priests, 4 Silver Knights, 4 Pegasus Knights, 1Artillery, General ElliotDifficulty: 7.5/10Ok first off do not underestimate the Pegasus knights or the lizardmen because Idid and I got hurt pretty badly because of it. From the 5 lizardmen in thisbattle one of them must have a very powerful weapon, because he did 15 damage toMax and he has very good defense.

One of the Pegasus knights do more damage thenthe other ones, so quickly dispose of them.First off head as far right as you can. We need to win this battle before 10turns for the clear bonus. I was able to clear it in 9 so it?s not impossible todo. The lizardmen will come out and 2 high priest.

By turn 3 you should be ableto attack them. Hit them hard and hit them fast and don?t give them a chance tocounterattack. They all have high attack and can easily kill off crucialcharacters. I had to egress out once, because they killed Gort, Luke and Anri.After you dispose of them the Pegasus knights will be in attack range. Defeatthem by Turn 5 ideally so you can have some time to heal and get ready forElliot. The silver knights are jokes and you can easily kill them off.

Now allthat?s left is the dark priests, artillery and Elliot himself. Kill off theartillery and the high priest then focus on Elliot. I was able to kill Elliot inone turn as it wasn?t that hard. He does move so be wary of that. He also hitshard so make sure your mages are out of the way. If Max knows it his lightingspell is highly effective against Elliot.

When I casted it Max did 20 damage andthat is 1/3 of Elliot?s overall HP. This battle isn?t too hard as long as youknow what you are doing.After you defeat Elliot you obtain his card and you finally meet up with the 3mysterious characters that would always come out during the chapter prologues.After General Elliot passes on (?I liked him too) the three characters starttalking about what has been transpiring. Mawlock finally teaches Max about thecards and if you have been collecting cards then you should have an amplesupply. This will all make sense so hear out Mawlock. Now all three will joinyour party. Hmmmmmmmm this is very interesting.

Anyway let?s move on.Recommended level after battle: 12-13.h. Pao (again).Ok now there are lots of things to do again in Pao. First off let?s have a newcharacter join us in our quest. Remember the egg you obtained back in Manarina.Well it?s time to hatch it. Head south and in the item shop talk to the personsitting to the right of the shop.

The egg will hatch and Domingo will now joinyou. He is a great mage I highly recommend training him.Now head a bit to the right and you will see the sheep pen. Head inside and talkto Guntz and he will join you!!! He is an insanely strong character.

He has thebest defense in the game and his attack and HP isn?t shabby. His only let downis his movement range, but that can be fixed later.This is also the time that I promoted most of my party.

I know that some peoplesay promoting at level 20 is the best, but I prefer to keep this game somewhatchallenging. I promoted everyone, but my 2 mages, Arthur and the new charactersthat I got. I need to experiment with them a bit. You will learn that Earnestinvaded the fortress all by himself and they are requesting that you go helphim. I suggest we do to move along with the story.Before you leave Pao you need a bomb to blast open the fortress door. Talk tothe man below the queen and he will give you a bomb. Now let?s head out.Battle 14.Victory Conditions: Defeat the HellhoundClear Bonus: In 10 turns 4000 gold coins.Now is the perfect time to experiment with and to test our your new characters.This is also a great map to level up and I highly suggest you do.

Keep egressingout over and over again until you reached your desired level.Monsters: 10 Silver Knights, 3 Dark Priests, 2 Artillery, 3 Pegasus Knights, 1HellhoundDifficulty: 6.5/10Okay I?ll be honest. I must have egressed in and out of this battle at least 15times. I went on a training spree and it was fun. I promoted most of mycharacters here except for my mages and Arthur. The promoted characters got 48exp from just hitting the enemy and it wasn?t very long until I was level 10promoted.

I don?t expect all of you to do the same, but man was it fun to watchthose insane stat growths. For the first 5 or so levels the stat bonuses willsuck badly, but starting from level 6+ you see defense stat go up 5+ attack 5+and you just laugh. This is why I love this game. You get lots of unexpectedstat growth.

Anyway I suggest you get to at least level 5 promoted? Trust it?snot hard when you get 48 experience for just hitting them.The battle plan for this battle is quite hard actually. The 2 knights right inthe beginning shouldn?t be a problem, but the stairs do pose a big problem.

Mybest advice is to send the character with the best defense so they can take thebrunt of the attack from the Pegasus knights and the Silver knights. Thenquickly kill off one with the help of Domingo, Balbaroy and break through thestairs bringing all your characters up quickly. Then kill off the Pegasusknights and heal when necessary. For the monsters ahead just hurry up to meetthe clear bonus and wipe them out. The hardest part is right in the beginningwhere the Pegasus knights and the silver knights gang up on you. They can easilykill off 1 character if they aren?t a big enough level.Recommended level after battle: Anywhere from 5-10 promoted/ If you don?t wantto promote then 13-14.After this battle ends you can either return back to Pao to revive deadcharacters or continue on. Continue down and you meet up with a knight in a roomnamed Earnest who asks if Max is here to save him.

Earnest will then join youand makes you promise him to put him on the front lines. I?m mixed about whetherI should train him or not. However, Balbaroy has been sucking mightily so I amgoing to have a member change and test our Earnest and take out the suckingbirdman.Now you will be at some harbor.

Head south and into that big building. Head upthe first stairs you see and search the book case for another card. Now it?stime for another boss fight similar to General Elliot?s.Battle 15.Victory Conditions: Defeat BalbazakClear Bonus: In 8 turns Merman BusterThere are several new enemy units here. If you plan to use Earnest then I highlyrecommend that you train him here and promote him. It might be a bit hard,because he is a low level, but you don?t want to do it later? Anyway let?s dothis.Monsters: 5 Sea Bats, 2 Silver Knights, 3 Artillery, 1 Dark Priest, 2 Hellhound,1 Blue Dragon, BalbazakDifficulty: 3.5/10This battle was so easy I was laughing?

My characters were level 11 promoted andI just went through this level like a hot knife through butter. The bats in thislevel can?t put you to sleep so there was no worries about that.

Other then thatthe silver knights can barely damage you. You can easily slaughter theartilleries in one hit and the only enemy units that should give you troublehere are the hellhounds, the dragon and the Balbazak.Once Balbazak comes out just surround and kill him.

He will die easily in oneturn. This battle is not that hard, it?s so much easier then the General Elliotbattle. This is a great place to level up by the way.Recommended level after battle: 8-10 promotedEND OF CHAPTER 4!We are really moving along.

Anyway let?s head to chapter 5 and see where ourquest leads us now.Chapter 5: Gateway to the Hidden Shrine.In the Chapter 4 epilogue Mishaela comes back out and starts talking about herrevenge. She also mentions a sword.Your party starts out at sea in a boat and after some dialogue a battle starts.Battle 16.Victory Conditions: Destroy all enemiesClear Bonus: In 8 turns 5000 gold coinsNow this is a very strange battle. You have Pegasus knights to your back andthey also haven?t appeared in the last battle either.

You have some new enemyunits up in front. And there are sea bats on the side of the ship. I highlysuggest you promote now if you haven?t already (unless it?s Arthur and themages) and level them up here. It?s a great place to level.Monsters: 6 Conch, 2 Shellfish, 4 Seabats, 3 Pegasus KnightsDifficulty: 2/10This is hands down the easiest battle I have ever been in. I justhad Anri and Domingo kill off the Pegasus knights in the back with their magicand moved everyone else forward.

The seabats came rushing in and they gotslaughtered. The conches do crappy damage and the only thing to really watch outfor would be their poison attack. By now you should have at least 30 HP andlosing 2 per turn isn?t life threatening at this stage. Live with it. Anywayjust slaughter and egress if you need to train, because this is the place to doit.After your encounter with this pathetic enemy force your ship somehow magicallygets injured. And it?s in need of repair.

A mermaid appears from the water andthanks you for getting rid of the monsters and she leads you to the island ofWaral.Recommended level after battle: 12-13 promoted? Don?t whine it?s easy to do.i. Waral.I had a lot of spare gold so after I bought all the new weapons I needed Ibought Wind rings for all my party members.

Sure it only adds 5% more evasionbut that 5% could be critical later on in the game. Plus I had some chump changeno point in it sitting around.Anyway after you are done buying all this stuff from the king, go talk to theking when he is sitting in his throne room. The king tells you that he will fixthe boat as long as you advertise about the island.

It?s not a bad deal. Anywayraid the king of his treasure chests below and lets start exploring this smallisland.

The items you can get from those chests are really, really good. Theagility ring which increases a character?s mobility by 2 is very useful and Ihighly recommend giving it to Guntz.Now head to the right passing the bridge and you will need to use a small boatto navigate some parts of this island.

Get on the boat and if you head south youwill see a priest as well as mermaids swimming in the water. If you need anycharacters healed then head over to the priest, and after you are all done talkto Shell?s mother and head down.Note Shell?s mother is the one blocking your path further down.

She is inbetween the red markers. Tell her yes both times and she will move out of theway and let you pass. She does warn you that you will more then likely crash.After your boat crashes you will be in a bed. Head upstairs and the priest sayssomething about how he got stuck here and he gave up going back. He tells you torest some more and after you wake up head back up and start exploring this partof the island. You will see some weird android open up a weird looking building.Follow it.Keep following the robot until it turns around and yells out your name.

Therobot will then run to the right. There is no point in chasing it as he goessome route where you can?t follow. Just head north from on of the passageways torun smack into another battle. This one will be a lot harder then the last oneunless you seriously over leveled like me.Battle 17.Victory Condition: Defeat the Master MageClear Bonus: In 10 turns 6000 gold coinsThis battle features new enemy units and you will remember some from the past.The mage was chanting some weird hymn before you entered but it is obviouslytime to fight. Onward to victory.Monsters: 4 Seabats, 5 Skeletons, 5 Hellhounds, 3 Worms, 1 Master MageDifficulty: 3.5/10I think that I over leveled? The first clue is when every monster in this level.

A full player guide to part two of Shining Force 2, covering South Parmecia.View usage guideEasy ‘at-a-glance’ referenceSimply look down the side of the page to find the place name you’re looking for.Spoiler-proofingIf you don’t want to spoil the whole game, press the button below. The walkthrough background will turn black, hiding all but the colour-coded words and enemy icons. You can highlight text with your mouse (or finger, on a touch screen) to view it.Colour code:If you’re looking something in particular, then the code will make it easier to spot! Location character itemIcon key:Bosses marked with this symbol destroy all other monsters when killed, the battle ends when they die.Click to download some GeneCyst save games (see “” on the FAQ Page)Click for more information about that location, including maps, items, book names etc.Toggle no spoiler mode. In the new town, the King will ask you to find him a way to get back to Grans Island to save Elis. Bear this in mind during your travels. Go to the Tactical Base and search the eagle shield to find the Warrior Pride (promotes Warriors to Barons).

There is Cheerful Bread in the top barrel in the room left of the throne room. When you leave the castle, you can raid the houses (to find: Angel Wing, Antidote, Healing Seed and Healing Drop) and then go to meet Peter the Phoenix, who will join (but you can’t control him in battle until you’ve been to see Volcanon).

When you finish here, the Minister will give you 100 Gold Coins and then you should go to Ribble. May the Ranger will join here. There is a piece of mithril in the center square of the grey sandpit. Here you’ll find out about the ruins under the tree, and that you need the Achilles Sword to defeat the Taros.

You’ll also find out about the Caravan. There is Bright Honey in the vase in the bottom-left house. From Ribble, you should go to Polca Village, to the North.

In the battle from Ribble, one of the Witches has the Power Ring, if the character who defeats her has a free item slot, she will drop it and he/she will pick it up. Not a lot happens here the first time. There is a Protect Milk in the house which is built into the earth. Mount Volcano erupts and a blind boy, called Oddler is found and taken into care.

If you go to the West of the village, you’ll see a strange looking creature who has fallen over. Go to help him and he’ll talk to you about Creed (he refers to Creed as ‘HE’). Once you’ve heard all there is to hear, go to the top right to exit the village. You will then have a mountain-side battle to Bedoe, the Bird Town. In Bedoe, you’ll find out more about Creed, the ex-Greater Devil. The Quick Ring is in the vase next to the bird on the 3 rd floor who says “We need a lot of hot water” After you’ve spoken to King Bedoe (on the top floor), you must go to Mount Volcano to speak with God Volcanon.

The King will tell you to get a raft, and will send Luke to escort you. When you go back through Bedoe, talk to the baby bird on the ledge outside the Kings’ Level and all the birds on the 3 rd floor. When you leave the town, wander around the bushes outside on the left and the baby bird should fall on you, his mother will thank you and he will join your team later in the game. If you don’t get him to fall on you at this point, he will not join. From here you should go back to Polca. After the battle, go to the Mayor’s House (it’s along the top, to the left) and he’ll arrange a raft for you, if you’ll take the blind boy with you. Agree to do this and leave the town.

When you leave, Luke, the Bird Man will join you (make sure you go back into the village to buy him a Long Sword). Head south along the river to get back to the area around Ribble. From this area you need to go East along the river and then when you come to the mountains, get off the raft to the south and go into the Eastern area. You’ll have a battle here, after which you can go into some ruins. Lots to find here. In the top left there is a chest that contains Vigor Ball, and to the bottom right one that has mithril. There is Fairy Powder in a vase in the largest house, and if you search the top left bookshelf in the top floor of the same house, you’ll find Secret Book.

If you go around the outside of the houses, under the trees, clockwise, you’ll come to the mithril chest and then go along the two-square gap in the trees to reach a secret battle, in which the Bubbling Ooze is the boss, and will keep summoning new monsters until you kill it. You’ll probably be too weak to beat it at this point in the game, but it’s worth a go – in the Japanese version the Life Ring and Right of Hope can be found, not to mention that the Blue Shaman at the end carries a Healing Rain. Now head West towards Devil’s Tail (if you didn’t fight the battle before entering the town, you must fight it now, a High Priest will drop a Shining Ball). Before you go up the stairs, you’ll find a secret passage kinda below them and to the left.

If you follow this, you’ll come to 3 chests. One of these contains a Brave Apple, the others contain Medical Herb and Angel Wing. Also, there is another secret passage, completely undetectable. At the point where there is a dark area before the 3 chests, walk down at the center (see above-right). You’ll find some mithril in a chest. You can then go up the stairs. In Devil’s Tail itself, after the next battle, you can find another mithril hidden in the 3 square indentation in the mountains in the north.

In the next battle, a Dark Madam will drop the Protect Ring and a Skeleton will drop a Broad Sword. After Creed has taken you to see Evil Spirit, you can wander around his Mansion. Go to the room where Desktop Kingdom was, and search the square behind the chair to find Running Ring. Go out the door into the garden to find various items amongst the plants ( Antidote & medical herb). When you are going to leave, Creed will allow you to choose one of 4 characters to take with you, either: Karna the Priest, Eric the Knight, Randolf the Warrior or Tyrin the Mage.

They are all on Level 24, though Karna is usually considered the best choice (esp. When a Master Monk), and you can go back later to get the others. Oddler will decide to stay here when you leave.

When you’re out of his front door, walk to the left and go through the bushes to reach a chest which contains Healing Rain. From here, go back to the Dwarven Mine, with the fairy.

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