Massive Chalice Pc
Champions of norrath walkthrough. MASSIVE CHALICE is a tactical strategy game set on an epic timeline from Double Fine Productions. As the Immortal Ruler of the nation, you'll take command of its heroes, forge heroic marriages to strengthen your Bloodlines, and battle a mysterious enemy known as the Cadence in a 300 year war.
Game Mechanics Explained Game OverviewThe game occurs over 300 years. Like the real world, heroes will be born and die. The heroes you start with will not be the heroes you finish the game with. You'll need to build an empire capable of standing the test of time.The enemies in this game are called the Cadence.
Surviving the Cadence is the goal of the game. You finish it by winning a final battle which occurs at year 300. Empire BuildingBloodlinesA hero's bloodline is the most important aspect of that hero's life.
A hero's bloodline is always that hero's last name. Your starting group of heroes, and any new heroes you discover throughout the game, will have random bloodlines.To maintain a bloodline through generations, you'll need to give the bloodline a keep. After your first battle, you'll start with one keep and have the opportunity to build more.
You give a keep to a bloodline by appointing a regent. Once appointed, a keep always belongs to that bloodline and only a hero of that bloodline can be appointed regent when the current regent dies. To get more members of the bloodline, you marry the regent to another hero (so long as that hero does not share the bloodline - you can marry cousins!) and have babies.Note that a bloodline is determined by the regent and not the partner. Hence, the partner can't give relics (see below) to their offspring even though they are technically from their bloodline.Relic WeaponsThese are special weapons that are only passed along a bloodline.
They are earned when a hero with a nickname, gained either through random events or, more commonly, getting approximately 15 kills, dies from old age (not in battle). These are by far the most powerful weapons in the game. They have a higher base damage, a chance to critical strike, and can gain XP through kills up to level 10 so that they become even stronger. Note that relics only gain XP from kills or random events, neither the Crucible nor mission completion XP will level up relics.When a hero with a relic dies (either in battle or of old age), they pass along their relic to the next generation. If you want to force a relic to be passed along, you can assign the hero to the Sagewright's Guild. Before the hero loses it's bloodline association, they can pass along their relic.Darwinism - Traits and PersonalitiesEach hero has certain traits and personalities. These attributes affect the combat prowess of your heroes as well as their ability to have children.Traits can only be inherited by the bloodline.
While any baby can have theoretically any trait, they are far more likely to inherit their parents traits. This means that sending heroes with the best traits out into battle isn't always the best idea - sometimes you want them to stay at home and help make the next generation stronger than the last. Traits affect your heroes' primary stats like Strength.Personalities are inherited as well, but not as often as traits. You can also get traits from the Standard you have in your Crucible (more on that later) and random events. Personalities affect your heroes' secondary stats like Accuracy.Lay of the LandThe game world is separated into five different regions, each with an inner and outer section.
Throughout the game you will slowly lose these sections when the Cadence attacks. Each time the Cadence attacks, 1-3 regions will be targeted. You can only defend against one of the attacks. A successful defence lowers the number of Cadence Marks on a section. A failed defence (which includes choosing to defend a different region) results in an increase in the number of Cadence Marks.
At three Cadence Marks, the section is permanently lost.The Cadence attacks will increase in frequency to the point that you will eventually lose sections no matter how well you play. Things can be further disrupted by random events which increase or decrease Cadence Marks.BuildingsEach section of the world can have one building built on it. These cannot be destroyed, so choose carefully. There are three different buildings, all of which stack benefits:.
Keeps - The homes of your bloodlines. You cultivate your heroes here. I recommend having three to four on your first playthrough and three on your Brutal playthrough. Crucible - This is how your generation gains experience before they come of age. Each Crucible has a Standard. The Standard is a hero who gives all your recruits a% of their experience per year and has a chance of passing on their personalities.
A Standard is a lifetime position, so you'll want to pick your best and oldest heroes to train the new generation. I recommend one Crucible on your first playthrough and two on your Brutal playthrough (heroes need more experience on Brutal). Sagewright's Guild - Each Guild has room for three heroes. Each hero lowers the research time of your current project (more buildings, heroes, or gear) based on their intuition (a secondary stat which increases as heroes get older). I recommend two Guilds on your first playthrough (to research for achievements) and one on your Brutal playthrough (with targeted research, you'll be able to get everything you need).ClassesThere are three classes in the game. Each has a potential three subtypes based on the classes of their parents.
Each child always takes a main class from the regent, and the subclass is determined by the partner.Classes also get unique equipment that you can research once you get a certain number of kills against enemies.HuntersHunters are the strongest class in the game, by far, because they are ranged. Hunters' primary stat is Dexterity. The possible subclasses are: Subclass NameRegent/Partner ClassesSpecial AbilitiesHunterHunter/HunterStealth and Follow-up (a double shot)TrickshotHunter/AlchemistStealth and Flask Shot (AOE attack with 5 charges)EnforcerHunter/CaberjackStealth and Knockback ShotPure hunters are probably the best of these subclasses, but all of them are quite good and worth having in your Vanguard.The special equipment is as follows:.
Weapons. Crossbow - The default weapon. Probably the best choice in most cases absent a relic. Bone Barb Bow - Slightly lower minimum damage is the trade-off for arrows that pierce through all enemies AND allies within range. Blunderbow - Higher damage but shorter range. Armour. Hunter Armor - The default armour.
Refined Hunter Armor. Advanced Hunter Armor - The ideal choice during the final battle only. Veil Armor - Allows stealth on any space. Incredibly strong and practically a requirement on Brutal.AlchemistsAlchemists are the weakest class in the game. They are melee-based and have the ability to throw flasks, which deal decent AOE damage.
However they are weak and need to be at close range, opening them up to enemy attacks. The possible subclasses are: Subclass NameRegent/Partner ClassesSpecial AbilitiesAlchemistAlchemist/AlchemistRanged AOE and Free Throw (free attack)BoomstrikerAlchemist/HunterRanged AOE and Aerodynamic Flask (longer range)BrewtalistAlchemist/CaberjackRanged AOE and Hack n' Slash (a melee double attack)Brewtalist is probably the best subclass on normal.
On Brutal nothing is good at all, but Alchemist and Boomstriker are probably better.The special equipment is as follows:. Weapons.
Thrower. Boomslinger - Less accurate with more damage. Better if you don't mind reloading to maintain accuracy. Pillar Pitcher - Creates pillars where you throw bombs, creating cover and breaking line of sight.
Armor. Alchemist Armor - The default armour. Refined Alchemist Armor. Advanced Alchemist Armor. Unstable Carapace Armor - Taking damage does AOE damage to everyone nearby - enemy and ally.CaberjackThis is a melee class that would be the worst class in the game if not for their level 10 ability, which lets them attack again when they get a kill.
This ability allows the Caberjack to go on massive 6+ killing sprees every turn that can easily turn the tide of battles, especially the final battle. The possible subclasses are: Subclass NameRegent/Partner ClassesSpecial AbilitiesCaberjackCaberjack/CaberjackChargeShadowjackCaberjack/HunterStealth and Sneak Attack (bonus damage out of stealth)BlastcapperCaberjack/AlchemistMelee AOE and ChargeThe subclass of the Caberjack doesn't really matter. Blastcapper is probably the best, but not something you need to worry about focusing on.The special equipment is as follows:. Weapons. Caber - The default weapon. Ramcap Caber - Can knock enemies back.
So good it's, dependent on the battle, better than a relic. Timefist Caber - Knocks enemies into the future. Horrible, but tied to an achievement.
Armor. Caberjack Armor - The default armour.
Refined Alchemist Armor. Advanced Alchemist ArmorCombat StrategiesThis section will go over various basic combat strategies you'll want to implement. First, though, it will go over the various enemy types and the best strategies to take them all. EnemiesSeedsThe Seeds are the basic enemy. Why can't i download word streak with friends. Your heroes have slightly lower accuracy against them, but they have lower health to compensate. They do melee damage and, when they do deal damage, they heal themselves partially.These enemies are very easy to kill and don't do much damage.
They're a low threat and should be your lowest priority in any fight. If you're near the beginning of the game and still need to create relics (remember: you get them when you get a title, which is based on # of kills - not XP!), these can be a great resource.Advanced versions which you will encounter later have more health and the Pack Hunter trait which makes these enemies stronger when in proximity to other enemies. They can cause some serious damage that way, especially in the last battle.RupturesThese enemies have fairly low HP and no attack. Instead, they explode when they die. To make it worse, they can kill themselves on top of your allies. Characters hit by the explosion take damage and have reduced armor.
Finally, standing in the slime they leave behind deal damage at the start of your turn (you can run through it safely).I'm sure you've already realized that the strategy is to use your hunters to kill the ruptures at range. Their movement speed is pretty slow, so attacking at max range is generally safe.LapsesThese are another early type of enemy. They are the ghost-type enemies. They are threats as they are ranged, when they deal damage they steal XP from your heroes, and when they die, they knock all enemies and heroes back.These enemies should be a high priority to kill. Make sure you stay away from them to avoid the knockback. Remember, if you get knocked back into a wall, your heroes will be stunned.
This works for enemies too, however, so always take the opportunity to kill a Lapse first if it will stun an enemy. On the other hand, make sure the knockback won't knock and enemy out of your heroes' range.Advanced versions also delay your skills when they hit you and have an increased knockback range.BulwarksThese are big, tank enemies with decent HP and a ranged attack. They aren't very accurate at all, but their shots do pierce through heroes. The main strength they have is that once you deal damage to them for a turn, they gain a hardened shell which reduces all damage they take down to one.Plan carefully when attacking these. Hit them first with a strong attack to trigger the shield, then try to stun them. Alternatively, you can use a Hunter's Follow Up to hit them with two shots (the second will still do full damage). If you're level 4 and have the Put Em Down perk (which increases damage done to enemies with less than 50% HP), this can often 1-shot Bulwarks even on Brutal.Advanced versions have the Fortify trait which grants enemies in close proximity extra armour.CradlesThese enemies have a ton of HP.
They can shoot AOE mortar shots and also can spawn new Seeds at range. To make matters worse, they spawn 3 Seeds when they die.These enemies usually choose to spawn a Seed, and their attack isn't very accurate.
You can often save them for last as long as you don't let the Seeds they spawn get out of control.Advanced versions are able to spawn two Seeds (or attack once and spawn a Seed) per turn. Moreover they have the Avenger trait which increases their damage output by up to 50% if their friendlies die in proximity. This will enable them to cause tremendous amounts of damage later on should they choose to attack.WrinklersHigh HP, melee attacks, and high movement range. They're called Wrinklers because every successful hit they make causes your Heroes to age by 5 years (and they can even die of old age in combat as a result).These are perhaps the most threatening enemies in the game. Make taking them out the highest priority.TwitchersHigh HP and melee attacks. Their big ability is their ability to switch places with a hero.
Not only does this potentially put the Twitcher in melee range, but it also can strand your hero in the middle of a pack of enemies with nowhere to turn. They can be very dangerous for this reason and should also be the highest priority to kill.Advanced versions feature knockbak resistance and knock you back when they hit you more frequently. CombatStunningStunning is the most important thing you can do.
It is extremely important as it gives you two turns to kill an enemy. On Brutal, giving the enemy a turn to attack can often lead to unavoidable death. Use Lapses, Knockback Shot, and your Caberjacks to knock enemies into walls and other enemies to get an advantage.Move SlowlyThis is the best advice I can possibly give. Ideally, you want to fight a single enemy at a time.
Use your Hunters to move forward in stealth to scout ahead. Fighting multiple enemies at once is a death wish. Being careful may be slow, but it is safe. Safe plays win this game.Focus on Certain HeroesAlways be planning ahead. Who will be your next Standard in the Crucible? Who needs to earn a relic?
Who has a relic? You should really only have 2-3 heroes you want to focus on during each battle. Maximizing XP on those heroes is essential. It's totally ok to have a couple heroes in your Vanguard who never do anything but weaken your enemies so others can get a kill.Recharge Your CooldownsCooldowns take a few turns. If no enemies are nearby, just press and let your heroes pass the entire turn until the cooldowns come back up. This will keep your heroes as efficient as possible.So, with all of this said, let's jump in to the first playthrough and put all of what we just learned into practice.
We'll knock out a bunch of achievements in this playthrough, so there's plenty to look forward to.
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